Levinson Steel — Part III

[Under Construction]

Dean Levinson is the inventor of advanced steel composites and fabrication as well as theri applications that began with the aerospace, aircraft, and computing industries and the creation of the companies [Avid, Aavid] Thermalloy, POSCO, and others.


Understanding Metallurgical Coal and the Steel Process

Genius Dean Levinson and Composites as the New Alchemy

Jacob Levinson, Levinson Steel and the Pittsburgh Pirates

Space Exploration and Thermalloy


The Fraud of Laksmi Mittal and Arcelor Mittal Steel

Processors and Heat Sinks

Platinum and the Catalytic Converter

Dean Levinson and Structural Change to the Mining Industry

[Under Construction]


Dean Levinson is the inventor of advanced steel composites and fabrication as well as theri applications that began with the aerospace, aircraft, and computing industries and the creation of the companies [Avid, Aavid] Thermalloy, POSCO, and others forming ENTIRE NEW INDUSTRIES and INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATIONS.

[Under Construction]


Dean Aaron Levinson is The Yoetz.

All Rights Reserved. Dean Levinson 2013.